A little piece of colour ...

I am sitting with Robin from Bullit Photography and we are editing photographs from today's photoshoot. The photos look amazing and, if I do say so myself, the make-up looks top-notch. In fact, I'd say it's the best make-up I've ever done for a shoot and it puts the rest of my work to shame. That, alongside my wonder about whether I'll ever be able to replicate my work today again - are causing vague feelings of apprehension! However, in a few days I will be feeling fine again and I'll be relishing today's work. I feel like this after every shoot by the way - laugh laugh laugh!

We were lucky enough to get Rosie Corr as one of our models. She was the beautiful model from the shoot on the beach and she was even more beautiful today! Paco from Paco Delgado hair salon (01242 570755) did the hair and as usual it looked fab, Robin from Bullit took the beautiful photographs and I did the make-up and clothes styling. The shoot was very short notice, so credit card in hand, I tripped to Cribbs Causeway late last night and came back with a goody bag of clothes and jewellery from our ever faithfuls - Topshop and River Island!

We started the shoot in the studio using Robin's new coloured backgrounds, then we headed down to Cheltenham train station and then back to the studio for final shots. Take a look and see what you think!
