Food sources for radiant skin

With our skin being our largest organ, it is imperative that we feed it with plenty of foods packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. As our bodies do not naturally create these, we must make sure that we include them in our diets. A well-fed skin will look supple, hydrated and radiant, ageing will not happen so quickly and skin issues will occur much less often. Below I have outlined some key things that the skin can’t live without so next time you go food shopping, make sure you include them in your trolley!

VITAMIN A Vitamin A taken internally will protect your skin from ageing as well as the environment and our miserable English weather.. Vitamin A is an antioxidant and will therefore fight free radicals in your skin, helping it to look youthful, healthy and fresh. Vitamin A can also help to protect your skin from photo-ageing caused by exposure to the sun - but including it in your diet is definitely not an excuse to stop using suntan lotion!

Which foods? If you’re not sure which foods contain vitamin A, think green and orange. Typical foods are: carrots, apricots, potatoes, spinach, broccoli. I wouldn’t recommend supplementing your diet with Vitamin A but make sure you eat lots of these foods instead.

VITAMIN C Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and maintains the structural health of our skin cells. It is fundamental for the production of collagen in the skin, which is essential for a smooth and plump complexion. Without collagen, skin would be dull and loose and we would all look old well before our time. Vitamin C is also essential for the regeneration of Vitamin E – another important skin vitamin.

Which foods? Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and juices, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, and green peppers.

VITAMIN E Vitamin E is an extremely powerful antioxidant and is essential for protection against the damage that free radical cause the skin. Applied topically and taken internally, vitamin E will minimise fine lines and wrinkles.

Which foods? Vitamin E is found naturally in plant oils such as soya, corn and olive oil as well as seeds and nuts and wheatgerm.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 6 and 3) are the building blocks of skin cells, whichact as barriers to harmful effects as well as pathways for nutrtients and oxygen to travel through the skin as well as toxins to escape. As water is stored in cell membranes, the stronger they are. The more they will be able to hold onto water and retain moisture. That means, plumper, more youthful looking skin.

What are free radicals and antioxidants? Free radicals are created when the skin is damaged. This happens when it is exposed to things such as pollution, sun-burn, chemical based products, smoking, alcohol. These free radicals cause more damage by attacking other cells and without antioxidants, the process may be unstoppable!

Antioxidants stabilise these free radicals preventing them from attacking cells and therefore from damaging the skin. Free radicals wil always occur in the body and skin but further damage can be stopped by consuming enough antioxidants.


  1. A well-fed skin will look supple, hydrated and radiant, ageing will not happen so quickly and skin issues will occur much less often. Below I have outlined some key things that the skin can’t live without so next time you go food shopping,


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