The ancient practice of Chinese face mapping goes back hundreds of years to the time of Confucius. It was used by Chinese doctors as a way of recognising and healing health issues, the underlying belief being that parts of the face reflect different organs in the body. Nowadays, the art is used relatively widely amongst different cultures in beauty therapy as well as health and well-being practices.
Chinese face mapping is an integral part of my luxury facial treatment. By recognising the skin’s external needs as well as the body’s internal requirements, we are much more likely to achieve radiant, healthy, youthful and clear complexions. I look and feel for a number of signs. Some are more obvious, including skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, eczema and lines and wrinkles. Others are more subtle, including discolouration, birth marks, freckles, congestion, open pores, dryness and oiliness.
I then correlate these areas to the energy of relevant internal organ and look at what lifestyle changes the individual may need to make to start seeing health, well-being and skin improvements. I discuss the use of herbal and nutritional support to make gentle changes internally which then have a positive impact on the skin.
Under eye
This area indicates the health of the kidneys and liver. If the area is puffy and blue, you are probably feeling overworked, stressed and exhausted as well as not drinking enough water and eating too much rich food. However, if the area is yellow/brown it signifies that the energy of your live is stagnant, possibly from too much rich food or alcohol.
This area reflects the gall bladder and liver. Spots, puffiness, lines and redness on the forehead indicate too much oily food, dairy and alcohol consumption.
Inbetween eyebrows (third eye)
Relating to the stomach and liver, issues in this area suggest that your digestive health needs some attention. You are probably eating something your body doesn’t like or you need a digestive clear out.
Brow line and temples
This area relates to the kidneys and adrenals, suggesting that you are dehydrated, stressed and overworked.
The mouth reflects the stomach and intestines and this area indicates candida or too much dairy in the diet. Yellowness around the mouth and pale lips indicate a weak digestive energy and a cracked, dry lower lip suggests a colon imbalance.
Nostrils and cheeks
This area indicates the lungs. If you have any problems with your skin here, you could be eating too much dairy or not getting enough fresh air.
Jawline and chin
These two areas signify hormones and ovaries. The most common issue is acne in this area and it can be difficult to calm. You are probably not doing enough exercise and eating too much red meat.
To book one of my luxury facials and see what your skin says about your internal health and wellbeing, contact me:, 07734 994783 or visit my website
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