Magic facial oil for computer facing skin...

When I first got my laptop, I felt a bit strange. I didn't want to use it and I didn't even want to look at it. I couldn't explain why. And then I realized that I was being dragged - rather reluctantly - into a world obsessed by technology; a world that I try to avoid.

Anyway, that said, I began using my laptop and now I don't know what I'd do without it. I use it for all sorts of things: I shop, I network, I use it to advertise and market my business and I use it to keep in touch with clients and friends.

The amount of time I spend on it got me thinking about what the glare from its screen was doing to my skin. Research suggests that continual exposure to computers and laptops (electromagnetic waves) thins the skin - making it weaker and more prone to aging and various skin problems. Think about how you feel after using a computer for a long period of time compared to how you feel after going out for a long walk or doing something in the fresh air. Here, you have your answer!

Anyway, the point of this entry is to give you a magic recipe for a facial oil which will help to protect your skin from the evil glare of your computer screen! You can make it at home - it's quick, easy and low-cost compared to the creams I see on the high-street. Make sure your ingredients are top-quality though. You can buy them from

40ml Sunflower Oil
will give your skin some sun

25ml Rosehip Seed Oil
which is one of the best skin oils ever (I will write about this oil in my next blog as it forms the base of all of my facial oils)

10ml Borage Oil
- full of Omega 6 which is extremely nourishing for the skin

5ml Calendular Oil
will give your skin some more sun and help with healing

5ml Pumpkin Seed Oil
will lift and firm and therefore help with ageing

15ml Vitamin E Oil
which is an amazing antioxidant

10ml Jojoba Oil
can be added for protection if you have any room in your bottle!

Use your oil whenever you can but make sure you're wearing it when you're using your computer! Let me know how you get on and if you want me to make one for you, get in touch ...
